This is a test post to ensure my blog is up and running properly. I'm excited for this class!
Hello! I'm Katelyn Callahan, a soon-to-be 21 year-old senior at the University of Oklahoma. Originally, I'm from Tulsa, OK, and I have lived in Oklahoma for the majority of my life minus about three years when I lived in Kansas. I'm an enneagram type one, so do with that what you will. In college, I'm studying Language Arts Education in hopes of becoming a middle school English teacher. As you might be able to presume from my major, I love to write. I especially love all things technical about writing, especially grammar. Aside from my love for writing, I love cats! In fact, I love cats so much that I have a memorial tattoo for my childhood cat, Jasper. Below are some pictures of Jasper and the tattoo I got in his memory. Another fun fact: I got this tattoo in London while I was studying abroad! (Image information: personal photo of my late cat, Jasper, July 2016) (Image information: personal photo of my tattoo of Jasper by Georg...
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